Samstag, 22. November 2008

22.11.2003 until the end<3

today Julia and me are 5 years together. In this 5 years we were walking through good and bad moments. From this five years Julia and i were seperatet one year and some months. It was a hard time. I was in the hospital and Julia was there for me.
We traveled a lot around europe, it was always a wonderfull time. And one day Julia showed me her country "BRASIL"..... the last five years were full of emotion, this i can tell you!!!!!!!!
so Julia let´s go on like this


Samstag, 15. November 2008

time for power:)

hey ho,

i finaly did my first work to one client.and i earn something:). now that i have my tools, i can think of more:). welllllllll, i strated to train a little everyday, around 25 min.

my protuges-cours started. from monday to thursday. i go evry moring with bus 435 to copacabana..the bus take around 55minutes. this time i use to look a little in the books bevore the class start. the first two days were very hard, because the teacher pretented that she could not speek english......i thought ohhhhh my i can learn portuges, whe she just speek portuges...but in the third day she told us that she speek english. so i was relaxed:) when i get home i do my " dever de casa" homework and i study what we did in the class or words... i practis my portuges sometimes because we just learned, how to introduce oure self.

yesterday we went to the sister from aline. the sister god a bay one month ago. than i hold the baby and that little baby throw up over my arm...hihihihiihi but she is sweet. after we god pizza portgesa..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm very goood!

the paint is a present from a young artist:)rebecca!

well thats it......

Sonntag, 9. November 2008

feels like home

haloa he,

finaly i got my workshop....the last two days i prepaired the room with tools and stuff. today is the birthday from julias onkel, we will go there to selebrate a bit with cafe and cake:)
i could finde a store that sell good wood and tools, i am goint to buy the wood for my clients there. they cut it the way i want ZB: 56cm x 66cm. they sell a lot of different wood. i like there!
now i realy can start to make money:)
on monday, my portuges-cours will finaly start. it calls IBEU! its in copacabana after the cours, sometimes i can walk a bit at the beach to relaxe from the cours:) aaaeeeeeeee!
well thats it for today.
the last week there was nothing so important to write it down here.

greeting to all the people who watch this side!

Dienstag, 4. November 2008

how to do a comment

Hey people when you see this under my comment for the day :

Posted by Raffael 1987 at 2:30 PM 0 Comments
Klick on comment !!!!!!
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her u have to write ur comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
give the code they ask like
klick URL/Name

publisch your comment

that’s it!!!!!

By raffi

Montag, 3. November 2008


oleee olleee Da-Lhe Vasco ole ole ole

the game Vaso da Gama Vs Fluminense FC was very gooooood. it ends 1:0 for Vasco da Gama. they won with power and heart...i liked it !!! i have to see more games from other team to make my decision whitch team i give my voice.....Vasco has a good chance:). after we went to a bar to celebrate the 3 points of Vasco da Gama.

today julia and i went to "ibeu" my cours to announce my selfe there. after we announced julia in her Universidade Estácio de Sá". she will study tourismus there. when we got home i start my workout in the varanda:). and now its time to relaxxxxxxxxxx....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:)

see you people.

Samstag, 1. November 2008

dont worry be happy

Hey Thaisa your time in my blog will come!!!!! i promise !

One dog (Brisa) was too much!


One dog too much, because on tuesday Sandra, Penha, Thaisa, Julia, Bruna, Me and Brisa the dog:) stoped in the elevator...hahahaha.....we wanted to go down in the 1st floor, but the elevator didnt stop there, he went down to the garage in the ground with noice.....we all were looking at eachotherlike" what happen..oh my god" cause the doors didnt open. we had to as help with alarm...after 10 min. they took us out of there:) this never happen too me.....!

On wednesday Julia, Aline, Pieere and me went to the beach in Barra da Tijuca for 4 houres. it was a very strong wind there, so was very dangerous because we could not feel the hitness from the sun and the ocean was very wild. after julia was red like a shrimp..hihihi....after the beach we went to a beachbar to drink a coconut....i love cocnut at the beach:).

today was very cool day, cause sandra,julia and me went to São Gonçalo is a city close to Niteroi.

there is a social institution for children from the poor community around there. the main reason is to take the children away from the street. this sozial projekt calls

"Projeto de Formação Musical".

they teach the children how to play some instruments, how to sing, how to make cloths, how to work with a computer and much was the was very good to see this, a good experience for me.

tomorrow i will go to the maracana stadium, to see the soccergame of

Fluminense FC vs Vasco da Gama with my friends

Diogo, Breno and Rafael...huhuhuuhuhu

sooo thats it for today:)
