the life here got normal for me. i go to school every day. after i learn at home. between i do some jobs for my clients. on the weekend is not always partytime. there are also weekends just to relaxe. last weekend i did a presentation fo my corse, about germany and brasil. it took me the whol sunday. saturday i went to new client to see what kind of work they have for me. friday we ate a wonderfull fish. julia is doing university now. she get home late:(. the last 3 weeks i have been talking a lot to my brother..its always very funny to talk with him!
i practis more and more my portuges, here at home and on the street, go sometimes to buy somethings, my clients just talk portuges. i am loosing the fear to talk with people.
i got a new hobby" birds":) its realy fun to care about them, and create some toys sometimes.
well well...see ya.
3 Kommentare:
Hey Bro,
danke das Du für mich da bist...
Ich hab Dich lieb
Hey Mausi...
cool pictures ;-)
yeah, life got normal... but we are still good and happy - that's what matters. I miss you always more and enjoy more the times we are together - give them even more VALUE!!!
You are so handsome, schatz! Ich liebe dich sehr.. du bist ein wunderbarer und spezieller Mensch!
Danke fuer alles!
Our birds are really cute.
Beijosssssssss ;-*****
Today I'll surprise you - I'm home when you come ;-)
Vamos estudar muito juntos ainda, ok! ;-)
Der Fisch mit Kartoffeln und Zwiebeln zu sein scheinen lecker! Ich mag es.\o/
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