Hallo Leute, schaut doch einfach mal rein….es lohnt sich . Hier gibt es viele kleine Alltagsgeschichten…Was ich so treibe und erlebe! Also Wünsche ich euch alles sehr viel Spass!
Mfg Raffael.P
lecker ,lecker,bist zu beneiden,dass du so leckere sachen dort hast::::::: he,whats that!!!!! schokoladenpizza!!!!??????? crazyyyyyyyy..... i never had eat this in my life.... lovely kisses from dettman and T,t
° Name: Raffael Perschke
° Nickname: Raffi, Raffito
° Birthday: 31.01.1987 / Where? Emden, Germany
° Place of residence : Rio de Janeiro / RJ , Brasil - from 09.October.2008 !!!
° Status: married with a wonderful woman
° Hobbys: Live a good life, soccer, computer, music, painting, cooking, swimming in the ocean...
° Things I like to do: barbeque, travel, have a good time with friends, laugh, go to concerts.....
° Friends: first of all my wife Julia linda, Mom Ilona & Bernd, Christoph, Detti, Tarje,Mikkel Mom Sandra, Diogo, Thaisa, Bruna, Jorginho, Vó Therezinha, Laura, Penha, Breno, Afonsinho, Edna, Zé Nilson (haha), Mari, Sr. Pinga Arnolfo, Jensemann, Philipp, Carol & Bernardo, Aline, Julia (BH), Pierre, Andreas, Basti, Henning, Dominic dude, Omar & family, Inge, Walter, Thorsten, Martina... and soon more!
° Plans for the future: learn portuguese very well, find a good job, get to know the country, cultures, enjoy life, make parties, make friends, learn how to play guitar, eat jaca for the first time, drive a fusca and a kombi...
3 Kommentare:
Lecker, lecker, lecker.
Yam Yam
lecker ,lecker,bist zu beneiden,dass du so leckere sachen dort hast:::::::
he,whats that!!!!!
i never had eat this in my life....
lovely kisses from dettman and T,t
oh yeah Mausi...
almost all the things are good, but for me not all :)
I'm happy to know you are fine here... love you so MUCH!!!
kisses kisses, your ju ;-***
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