oi people,
the concert of colbi caliat was very boring.....because she didnt made a good show that night:(. nothing like " how are uuuuuuuuuu riiiooooooooooo, whats up brasillllllllllllllllll". muito chato.
the best of that night was the dinner we took:) thaisa and julia god a burger and diogo and i god a wonderfull lampmeat......i just can say, that i never eat a meat sooo smooth like that bevore...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!
on the next morning julia was infected by waterpoo:)hahaha. we went back from thaisa and diogo(mr.elton john) to our home for julia to relax in the bed to be better. sandra and i took some medezin for her.
on saturday was the day of Vó therezinha and bruna "party time". we had to prepair the partyroom with tables, chairs, decoration and for sure with alcohol:)cerveja!!!!:) the party began at 6.00pm until 2.00am.....bruna, afonsinho and thaisa did a wonderfull slideshow to vó terezinha, about her, life from begining until now.....very well done! later at night vó therezinha had to cut her big cake for the people:)...
than on 2am the patry was over and we left there. for me was a very god night with a lot of new people, foot, beer, talk and musik! today we are going there for coffe and to see the presents.
2 Kommentare:
the party was really cool and beautiful :-) much feelings... and everybody was so into it!
It was great!!!!!!!! :-)
Love you so much... :-***
jallo raffi,hab dich lieb
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