Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008

i am better!

bom dia,

today i woke up very good, without feeling bad in my body:). than i gave sugarwater to the free birds here in the verada. in the day there are some kolibri(beijoflower-bird) and in the night there are bads who drink the sugarwater:). after i was trying to paint something but i was not realy in the mood...but today i could make a black bred by my selfe...aaaaaeeeee and it is well done:).... sooo tomorrow me and my wife are going to her sister. there we are going to the beach and later we are going to the concert from clobi caliat at night...well now i take a dinner and after relax infront of the tv and watch the soccergame brasil vs columbia.....i think it will be 3:1 for brasil:)....

see ya

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hi schatzi :)
Your bread is really a success, but I haven´t tried it yet, I don´t know why :/ But everybody likes it! Uau :)

About the game we will see if it will be like you think it will be... :) we hope so!
Thanks for being on my side and for going to the hospital of mom with me. I´m very glad you are good again! I was worried...
Tomorrow we will have much fun at the concert and also at the beach :) You need to be there, ne baby...

Beijãããooooooo da sua esposa, Ju :-***

Anonym hat gesagt…

colibris and sugarwater? i believe, they will be drunken like sailors with jamaika rum and more,
hi raffito, hi ju, its okay, that you are healthy again, you need help from your wonderful female doc sandra and your lovely dream-nurse julia, whats about mom sandra? is she in hospital, if yet, i wish her all the best and mor healthy by herself, raffi an ju, i love you an say byebye, till my next little letter, your rob