imagine you guys make a blog, doing all the stuff for the people out there.
its a kind of desperatet if nobody leave a comment, just look and leave the page.
this desmotivate my selfe, to write things and stuff please if u joyn my blog just leave comment sometimes for me to get a fedback, ok?
greeting raffel
Sonntag, 25. Januar 2009
mr. coconut:)
its time to post:)....finaly i learned how to open a coconut. its very easy. i took them from the tree opened and drunk them all:D we went a weekend to vila geni, a house of family infurna. to relaxe and stuff. there was a pool a swimmingpool and a balancachair(schaukelstuhl). there was a outsideshower......mmmmmmmmmm this is jammi:D. at night we had a very strong rain. me and my mother in law went in to the was very funny.
me and my wife went one day to a bay, whitch was very wonderfull. went there with the sunset to talk a little ;) .
in the night we went to a restaurante where u could eat "fruta de mar"....shrimps with chese, krebsfleisch, fisch...etc. went home the next day, back to rio. in the way back there was a huge coconutplantage thousents of trees.
well see ya
Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009
the summer is here now!!!!

here in this weather- map you see the hot shit that is going on here right now.
2-3 showers a day, 2 t-shirts and 3 litler of wather. if u wanne survive in the summer here you need this...heheheeh!
yesterday i went to my sister in law and put a furniture n her office, that i did for her. it was very cool with my new praktikant julia:) she help me a lot and knows a lot of things.
we developed some pics from julia and me.
today we went to a market to buy some fruits, after we went to a supermarket to buy things for poor children. sandra and her doughter give some food. each of them has a child from the favelas and they give it to a center on time a month. things like rice, beans, pempas, kakau, dry milk, fuba...etc.
soooo thats it....see ya!
Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009
what the fuck............
this happen when my mother get a computer....with a cam!...hahahahahahaaha i love u mom, just like me!
what happen....
hey people,
on 6 january was the birthday from sandra. she did a party here at home with soooo many womans. here in brasil is normal to give a hug to the person u meet. uschhhhhhhh a kiss left, a kiss right with all of them. if you compair the noises in the room, it was like 30 chickens in a box giving egs....hehehehehehehehehehehhehe we had some snacks and drinks. like salgadinhos, sandwitch and beer,coca. the party finished around 10pm. the day after my wife and me went with, bruna and laura to Friburgo, 2 houres far from rio de janeiro, its a part that is very beutiful and silince. we went to a house from lauras dady. for 4 days. see the pics ,,,wow""". a place to relaxe 100%. we did a good BBQ, i did a exelent kraeuterbutter.and play some cardgames. i took some sauna sessions:) in the night. we went in the pool and took a right with the car.
friburgo looks very german, we went to a german restaurante, whitch was very nice. i ate a smoked trout(gera. forelle) with potrato and one Bittburger:).
but one day i was to mutch in the sun. and god fucking burned, all red and with wather hurts fucking mutch....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
that big tree with the red car in the front is a mighty bamboo-tree. i was very impressed of how big bamboo tree can be, is around 20-30 meter high.
back in rio de janeiro i have to stay home and wait my shoulders to be better again. with 38°C outside and sunny....:( .
i still wait the pics from new year....i put them when i have them.
well see ya.........
Sonntag, 4. Januar 2009
in brasil.......

soon i will put some pics from
x-mas and new near. i will start my cours again in the middle of the month or at 1st february.
i need , cause my protuges is still in a very low level:(..:).
soo be afraid of the pics from new year....hahaahaha
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